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Windows Materx v4 2010 تحميل

حصريا حمل الآن Windows Materx v4 2010

Windows Materx v4 2010

البرامج المضافه للنسخه

برامج الانترنت
Firefox v3.6.5
Google Chrome v.3.5
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
Internet Download Manager 5.19 Build 2
Flash player v.10
yahoo v.10
Windows Live Messanger 14
Skype v4.2.5.6

برامج المالتميديا
K-Lite Codec Pack 5.9.8 Full
VLC player v1.5
Winamp v5.57.2
any vedio converter v3.2.5

البرامج الخدميه
CCleaner v2.31
Microsoft Office 2003
WinRAR Materx v2.5(3.93)
Win32Pad v3
SuperCopier 2
NET Framework 1.1 + 3.5
Foxit Reader & Editor v2.1
Java v5.8.6
UltraISO v9.5


Release Name: Win Materx V4 2010
System: Win Materx 2010 v4.0.0- With Service Pack3
Year: 2010
Language: English
CD Key: Already integrated original key
Activation: Already activated
Install method: Auto Installation
File format: ISO
Size: 653 MB

Screen Saver
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4

part 1part 2
part 3
part 4
part 1part 2
part 3
part 4


  1. هاذا الويندوز افضل من ويندوز 7

  2. مشكور على الموضوع وكل شي تمام التما اخ ضواهره


إرسال تعليق

المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

شرح + اسئله لموضوع Pointers في لغة c++

شرح + اسئله لموضوع Pointers في لغة c++ Lab 2: Using Pointers Lab Objectives: In this lab students will learn: ü Memory concept of variables, pointers and how to use variable identifiers and pointers to refer to the variable. ü Pointer variable declarations and initialization. ü Direct and indirect referencing a variable using the pointer operators. ü Using * and address (&) operators.   Background: When declaring a variable, it is located at a specific location in memory, the memory address. The task of locating variables is automatically performed by the operating system during runtime. In some cases we need to know the address where the variable is being stored during runtime. Variable which stores a reference to another variable is called a pointer. We can directly access the value stored in the variable using a ...

شرح + اسئله عن موضوع Arrays في لغة c++

شرح + اسئله عن موضوع  Arrays في لغة c++  1: Arrays   Lab Objectives: ü Learn how to use the array data structure to represent a set of related data items. ü Learn how to declare arrays, initialize arrays and refer to the individual elements of arrays. ü Learn how to pass arrays to functions. ü Learn how to declare and manipulate Two-dimensional arrays. ü  Background:   Definition Array: A collection of individual values, all of the same data type, stored in adjacent memory locations. One Dimensional Array: An array with a single variable index. Using the array name together with an integral valued index in square brackets refers to the individual values. The first array element always has the subscript 0. The second array element has the subscript 1, etc. The base address of an array ...

شرح واسئله عن Friend function & friend class.

موضوع Friend function & friend class Task #6: Friend function & friend class.   Create and destroy objects dynamically. Static data members and member functions.     Objectives:   Using friend functions, and friend classes.   Using this pointer.    Creating and destroying objects dynamically with operators new and delete, respectively.    Creating dynamic array class.   Using static data members and member functions.   Student Learning Outcomes:   You will: Be able to write a friend function and friend class. Be able to allocate and de allocate objects dynamically.   Background:   You have learned the syntax of friend function, friend class, this pointer, and delete and new operators. You have also learned how to write a static data members and member functions.